Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Help with Anxiety

Do you regularly feel anxious and stressed? Although these feelings are normal and everyone has them at times, all too often they feel overwhelming.  The result is a vicious circle of feeling anxious that you’re feeling anxious. But your life doesn’t have to be like that. You can get help with anxiety!

Are Anxiety & Stress Overwhelming you?

Some people seem to worry over just about everything, most – or even all – of the time. Their minds get overwhelmed with ‘what if’ scenarios, although on the outside their lives appear to be running smoothly. This churning in your body and mind often has quite serious effects on your general health and well-being, and ruins your enjoyment of everyday life
Help with Anxiety - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Phsycological and Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Feeling worried or uneasy
  • Always expecting the worst
  • Worrying about exams
  • Suffering performance anxiety or stage fright
  • Not being able to concentrate
  • Sleeping badly, always feeling tired
  • Being irritable
  • Being hyper alert /aware
  • Feeling on-edge or not being able to relax
  • Suffering from time pressure 
  • Needing frequent reassurance
  • Feeling tearful or distressed
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • A pounding or irregular heartbeat
  • Breathing fast and/or shallowly
  • Feeling sick or light headed
  • Feeling faint or about to collapse
  • Suffering chest pains, imagining a heart attack
  • Headaches and migraines 
  • Sweating, often excessively 
  • Hot flashes or chills
  • Tingling, trembling sensations
  • Loss of appetite
  • Churning gut feelings 
  • Needing the toilet more frequently 
  • “Butterflies” in your tummy 

Imagine If You Knew How to Relax

  • Back in control
  • More secure 
  • Calmer and happier
  • Peaceful, tranquil, in harmony with life
  • Breathing more easily 
  • Better organised, with free time to enjoy 
  • Focused on the future, the past securely behind you 
  • Enjoying self-esteem and confidence in all areas of life 
  • Happy to get out and about

From a Client ...

Help with anxiety, panic attacks and work-placed stress

To expand on what we discussed on phone. I have suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and work-placed stress for over 20 years to varying degrees.

I have 2 children and I’m 42. Been Off and On with doctor prescribed anti-depressants for 15years! And have no Idea whether or not they help. Whereas I don’t drink alcohol every day or week, I have a tendency when I do to drink a lot, which always makes me feel worse.

Generally, I have a lovely wife and children, a good job and live in a lovely area. However I do find it quite burdensome and exhausting, always to be worrying or stressing about something or whether I’ll have a panic attack.

Over this last year panic attacks have affected my driving which has been a particular worry for me. Panic attacks with feelings of agoraphobia and that’s really horrible.

As I say, I know I’m generally very fortunate but would be a lot happier and less tired if I didn’t have these concerns. I look forward to seeing you on Friday.”

I wanted to let you know how I’m feeling after my session last month. I thought I’d give this time before I contacted you to thank you, so very very much for what you’ve managed to do for me.

I feel like a new person, my burdens lifted and can’t quite yet believe how much
better my daily life is, generally. It’s quite extraordinary.I didn’t think I’d be able to come off my anti-depressants and cope after so many years of relying upon them. And, I now understand how mixing alcohol with drugs exasserbated my Body / Mind state, my anxieties, stress and panic attacks /

Now my coping mechanisms are back up there, like 15-20yrs ago. What can I say but ‘Thanks A Million’ for helping me get my Life Back on track
Best Regards”


Reducing Stress and Anxiety

There are things you can do for yourself to reduce your likelihood of having a panic attack. One helpful strategy is to reduce your overall stress levels, and you can do this by:

  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet
  • Getting regular exercise 
  • Making sleep a priority
  • Connecting with other people 

And, of course, one of the most effective methods of reducing stress is to find ways to relax deeply – to experience a sense of peace, tranquillity and calmness that you’ve probably never achieved before.   Hypnosis slows your heart and breathing rate, lowers your blood pressure, reduces the activity of stress hormones, eases muscle tension and chronic pain, and improves your concentration, mood and energy. Discover deep relaxation and breathing techniques with the help of a Hypnosis and NLP ‘Stop Panic Attacks’ therapy session. It will give you the resources you need to cope with panicky feelings, as well as reducing the number of times you feel them.

As you relax and listen to my voice and the soothing music you’ll notice that:

  • Your symptoms of panic will subside faster and more comfortably
  • You’ll become free of any sense of panic or overwhelm
  • You’ll be able to relax deeply at will
  • You’ll feel refreshed, re-energised, re-focused
  • You’ll be filled with a sense of renewed self-esteem and confidence
  • You’ll breathe more easily, more comfortably, more consciously 

You’ll be on your road to freedom,  the past clearly and comfortably behind you.

Lindsay's Guarantee

If needed I will provide a Free Ego-Strengthening Session up to 9 months after your Primary Appointment Session in the extremely unlikely case that this should required.


Of course results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

Open a Conversation

Let’s open a conversation and find the right package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.

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07702 383726

01738 710758