Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Help with Addiction

Being addicted to something can totally take over your life. NLP will support Body/Mind CHANGE Permanently.

A Hypnosis and NLP therapy session, focused on your addiction, changes the way you think, feel and sense about it. It will allow you to break the connection, liberating you and allowing you to be the YOU you really want to be again.

The Never Ending Cycle of Addiction and Abuse

Worried about addiction? Overcoming addiction? Going dry from alcohol or quitting smoking will boost your health and well-being with unexpected benefits.

When you’re addicted to something it really can take over your life, affecting it in many ways: your relationships, your family, your job, your health and you as a person. The very nature of addiction is self-perpetuating meaning it is very difficult to break away from.

Telling yourself not to say something or think something can and will have the opposite effect (try ‘not thinking’ of elephants). Without a new mind-set it’s hard to become free of your addiction.

Help with Addiction - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Your conscious awareness can creep up and ambush you at any time, especially during your weaker moments. But your subconscious can engage options that break the connection and dissolve the addiction. They will relieve you and free you up to be back in charge, free: the individual you’d like to be.

Whether it’s Smoking Nicotine, Alcohol or Drug Abuse, Gambling or OCD, hypnosis combined with appropriate NLP therapy really helps and often resolves the addiction for good. It’s a very powerful and effective tool for changing people’s lives.

Addiction Can Take Over Your Life

Being addicted to something can absolutely take over your life. A session of hypnotherapy combined with NLP, focusing on your addictions, can and will change how your relationship with whatever you were addicted to. Your brain will think differently. The therapy will free you to be the person you want to be deep down and get back in charge of your own life.

Here are a couple of examples of how I help drug or gambling addictions.

Shatter the Gambling Illusion: Overcome Gambling Addiction hypnosis and NLP session. Gamblers make good hypnotic subjects as they regularly fall into a trance. Sadly for them, the trance they’re familiar with is destructive and damaging. The truth is that gambling, far from bringing riches, is robbing them of everything worth having.

The Overcome Gambling Addiction hypnosis and NLP therapy session has been created to crack through the gambling illusion and destroy the compulsion of gambling. An opening talk shows you what happens in a gambling trance so that you can become aware of just how it ensnares you. It lets you feel the two ends of the gambling experience: the excitement beforehand and that sinking feeling after a big loss.
In a normal gambling trance, you maintain a psychological barrier between these two aspects of the experience: you don’t let yourself believe that the two are connected. But now they’re brought simultaneously into focus.

The induction helps you relax deeply, with an emphasis on comfort and rest. The trance work helps you connect with healthy and rewarding behaviour.

The previously separated aspects of gambling are then turned topsy-turvy, making you re-think what you really value in life.

Break free with the cocaine addiction hypnosis and NLP therapy session

Socially accepted drugs pose particular challenges for those who become dependent on them and then decide they want to break free. If your peers, friends and colleagues treat drugs as though they were sweets, and offer you them at every turn, how are you going to escape?

The cocaine addiction hypnosis and NLP therapy session was devised specifically to help people like you break the hold this drug has on you, by bringing you out of the addictive trance.

Help with Addiction - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

An introductory talk goes over the patterns of cocaine abuse and what happens to someone who gets caught up in a lifestyle that revolves around regular use. Embedded suggestions lay the foundations for the trance work.

The induction is unusual in that the expected relaxation is delayed several times. This sets up a shock treatment that undermines the beliefs and certainties that keep your addictive cycle going. The new sensations and perspectives it produces are then used as the basis for relaxing, giving you a whole new idea of the process of ‘enjoying yourself’.

Hypnotic repetition allows you to build and reinforce the brain-patterns that will make a life free of cocaine normal and natural for you. It lets you enjoy the good feelings and satisfaction that will help you make this new way of living truly your own.

From a Client ...

Help with Addiction/Abuse

Dear Lindsay

Apologies for the delay in sending this, the problem has been keeping it brief! Gareth is aggressive, not violent but I’m starting to get really worried. No one can speak to him without him flying off the handle, either driving off at a ridiculous speed or slamming doors using vile language.

He is still having the most horrendous Dreams that I’ve told you about. At work he is either totally motivated and a pleasure to work with, or more often than NOT, seems on a mission to destroy the [our] business, doesn’t pass orders on, is rude to customers, some days he won’t even go to work.

He’s has threatened to kill himself on several occasions, he dissapeared about 3years ago after threatening suicide, we ending up calling the Police and having a trace out on his mobile, found him on a local beach. I thought this was an isolated incident but now I’m not sure.

Gareth was such a bright, lively, intelligent young man. He always wanted to be a professional cricketer and I don’t know if the realisation that this was not achievable that has brought about this change in his personality.

He always had difficulty controlling his temper on the field, this had been detrimental to his work cricketing career, but seemed to get a lot better when he started playing at his local club, who were as passionate as him.

Family life has been totally disrupted. We all seem to shout and scream at one another! I’ve never cried as much in my life. Sorry I didn’t keep this briefer. I will get Gareth along to you tomorrow to make sure that he turns up to see you.

I persuaded him to see his GP and he’s on 20mg of Citalopram. I don’t know when he was last in, but he is definitely not being monitored by the practice.

Kind Regards. Gwen

Lindsay’s comments / pre/post therapy.

It was very evident from Gwens helpful most thorough Overview of The Persona issues to be overcome in the family, that Gareth had been a Cocaine addict for some considerable time, confirmed at Consultation. Gwens observations were Addiction Typical and sure signs of Drug Abuse at its worst, affecting ALL of the family.

I’ve seen many such Drug abuse cases over the years, and now find myself being called on a referral basis, with Abusers being wary of admitting, sharing their addictions, fearful Initially of exposure to The Law. I always make if absolutely clear, that ALL such Persona disclosures are 100% Confidentiality Assured and they are safe with me and have my Gaurantee of success with promise of Free Ego-Strengthening top-up Session if unusually required.

Such Drug Abuse Clients Leave my Garden Therapy Lodge FREE of their former drug tendencies, feeling wholly relieved, unable to fully appreciate how it’s all been possible.

They must be drug Free for at least 4 Days otherwise I’m not talking effectively to their essential Subconscious Brain🧠. They sense a huge relief, a massive weight off their shoulders and enjoy the freedom of their former constant Brain [draining] Fog. Now a medical terminology. Very soon clarity of mind & body returns, after finishing sessions with a Psychosomatically based Health and Wellbeing therapy journey, leaving their past clearly behind them.

Rewind Therapy including mirrors of the reflected past, ensures they can move on Free from former Addictive urges.
It’s complex, but very successful powerful Mind changing supportive Subconscious Hypnosis & NLP, that provides such satisfying outcomes for the Abuser and their family to move on from. Such are the highs and lows of Drug Addiction, that the NHS are still fighting to interpret treat effectively.

Follow up from Gwen / Gareth

Dear Lindsay,

Here I am reporting back to/you, as I promised I would.

What a very worthwhile investment in Gareth and our Family your invaluable time has proved to be. I can’t thank you enough. He certainly hugely benefited from the specialised 3.5 hours of Hypnosis and NLP, over that morning.

Gareth is again the man he once was, back in control of his Life, his Lifestyle and so grateful that you not only recognised his persona symptoms, but allowed him to come to terms with his long term addiction that he was frightened to admit and share.

Life’s now so much more bearable and I’m also [as family are] in a much better place.

We’re have harmonisation and it’s wonderful. Bless you Lindsay. Much Thanks.


Addictions Come in Many Disguises

  • Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms 
  • Caffeine Addiction 
  • Cannabis Addiction 
  • Chewing Tobacco Addiction 
  • Chocolate Addiction 
  • Cocaine Addiction Treatment 
  • Compulsive Hand Washing 
  • Compulsive Hoarding 
  • Diminish Alcohol Abuse 
  • Energy Drink Addiction 
  • Exercise Addiction
  • Gambling Addiction 
  • Gaming Addiction 
  • Heroin Addiction Treatment 
  • Internet Addiction 
  • Kleptomania 
  • Masturbation Addiction 
  • Moderate Drinking 
  • News Addiction 
  • Nicotine Addiction Treatment 
  • Obsessive Checking 
  • Obsessive Compulsive Cleaning 
  • OCD Treatment
  • Overcome Music Addiction 
  • Overcome Religious Guilt 
  • Painkiller Addiction 
  • Party Without Alcohol 
  • Porn Addiction 
  • Sensorimotor OCD 
  • Shopping Addiction 
  • Slot Machine Addiction 
  • Social Networking Addiction 
  • Stay off Alcohol 
  • Stop Obsessive Thoughts 
  • Tanorexia

When we talk, or when you email me, please mention in the message any of the above addictions that you would like to look at.

Lindsay's Guarantee

If needed I will provide a Free Ego-Strengthening Session up to 9 months after your Primary Appointment Session in the extremely unlikely case that this should required.


Of course results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

Open a Conversation

Let’s open a conversation and find the right package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.

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07702 383726

01738 710758