Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Hypnotherapy and NLP with Lindsay Heron

For Hypnotherapy in Perth and Perthshire let Lindsay help you find your way.

Do you have an issue you just want to move on from?

If you are struggling with alcohol addiction, drug reliance, PTSD, weight loss concerns or any of the many issues featured below then this is the place to start making the changes you want to see.

If there is something that rattles around in your head and won’t leave you be, then this is the place to start making the changes you want to see.

Take a look around and see how Hypnotherapy and NLP with Lindsay can break you free and allow you to move on with your life. When you are ready, open a conversation and let’s see how best we can help.

Gentle, powerful and effective, Hypnotherapy and NLP with Lindsay's practical and incisive help will get your life back on track.

Too far away - can't travel to Lindsay?

No problem. Lindsay offers online Hypnotherapy and NLP.

When you or your family need HELP from an experienced Hypnotherapist just contact Lindsay and book a One to One online session.

We can use WhatsApp, FaceTime or other Live connections to suit you. You'll SEE Lindsay and he'll SEE YOU!

This is equally effective as in person work.

Explore Issues where Hypnotherapy and NLP help

Help to Stop Smoking

Help with Motivation - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

No more cravings, easier breathing, new healthier you, extra cash …

Help with Addiction

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Break the habit, leave your addictive behaviour behind …

Help with Alcoholism

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Learn to live without alcohol, learn to party without alcohol…

Help with Anxiety

Help with Anxiety - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Learn that you can handle life. Overcome fears and limitations…

Help with Assertiveness

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Learn to be confident in your decisions and in yourself…

Help with Depression

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Learn to manage your feelings. Learn how to find your way back… 

Help with Fears & Phobias

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Learn to manage experiences. Learn to move past limiting beliefs…

Help with Motivation

Help with Motivation - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Believe in yourself and your ability to make things happen…

Help with Relaxation

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Learn to manage pain and discomfort. Put yourself in a relaxed space…

Help with Self Esteem

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Learn to find the positive and to believe in yourself…

Help with Thinking Skills

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Find clarity in your thinking. Move quickly to the things that matter…

Help with Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Understand your body. Learn to take the long view of your health…

Enriched Being

Heron NLP and Lindsay are proud to be associated with the work of Tara and Paul Scott who are doing pioneering work in growing Microgreens. A perfect combination between nutritional support and mind/body therapies like hypnotherapy.

Lindsay's Guarantee

If needed I will provide a Free Ego-Strengthening Session up to 9 months after your Primary Appointment Session in the extremely unlikely case that this should required.

What People Say...

GloriaHelp with Weightloss
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So here I am over 4months since my primary Session and I have to say I’m doing rather well. I seem to have more control, overall and feel as though my life’s really getting back on track. My husband’s as chuffed as I am with progress, be it a little slower than I’d hoped, but you did say it would take 6/9months to a gain an overall benefit especially with my weight loss, which is also working, having lost over 1stone & 1/2. That’s 21lbs. So really quite positive for me as I’d never have managed that alone.
StevenHelp with Dementia
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Dad feeling better and I understanding his latter life feelings, sensations and emotions. He said dealing with the past, letting go, [as in childhood memories that Overwhelmend him for years] had allowed him to move on, significantly, I think there’s been a bit of PTSD from his unfortunate childhood experiences as you rightly intimated. I don’t know how to thank you 😊 enough Lindsay
AprilHelp with Alcoholism
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I’m so pleased I invested in myself for a change. I’d been neglecting my Obvious alcoholism, which is exactly what it was, for far too long. It’s so brilliant to have my life back, thinking straight, with no more urges just to have another and another! I really didn’t think I’d be able beat my abusive nature. Now so grateful for my life back and my subconscious controlling my consciousness, my conscious awareness’s especially in my own working bar environment!
ChrisHelp with Work Related Stress
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It's six weeks since I saw you and not only was my test a success, I seemed to waltze through, but I’m delighted to report that I got my promotion. All thanks to you and your incredibly helpful session which taught me how to control my fears and anxieties. I just needed to be shown the way. Very much appreciated.
Paula & Hayley
Paula & HayleyHelp with Anxiety
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So, what more can I say other than, you’ve worked miracles with her, which has stabilised my life too, knowing she’s well on the recovery road to improved perceptive health and general wellbeing. Grateful thanks to you both!

Professional Memberships


With Hypnotherapy and NLP, of course, results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

Open a Conversation

Let’s open a conversation and find the right Hypnotherapy and NLP package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.